Friday, December 31, 2010


Vogel State Park
December 28-31

We, as in Kim, Scott, Carlos, and I went on what started as a two night camping trip to Vogel resulting in an extra night being added. Vogel actually is my favorite park. I used to go there when I was growing up with the family.

It all started as a Christmas present. I gave Scott a dutch oven for Christmas and purchased the camping trip reservations sometime in November. I also got some new hiking boots for Christmas that prepared me well for the trip! It actually snowed in GA on Christmas day, which was sort of a miracle for this part of the country. By the 28th, the snow had melted and we expected clear roads and just a chilly trip. Some mis-happenings occurred trying to get up there but we arrived just as the sun set around 6pm and there was 8 inches on snow on the ground! I was not only pulling the camper for the first time but the first time also with my hitch! Unfortunately my Xterra was caught on a patch of ice and we ended up getting some help from local campers. I ended up reversing maybe 50 ft and high tailing it up the hill to gain the moment to overcome the ice. It was pretty awesome hearing comments from the guys saying, "man she really knows how to drive that thing!"

We got the camper in site 5 rather quickly and started to put things up as quick as we could. I'm not sure the exact temperature but it easily had to be less than 20 degrees F.
After maybe 25 minutes of getting things out of the car and putting the camper up we realize the electricity is not functioning properly AND there was no running water!! At this point I think we were all expecting it to be a long, cold night.

The same guys who helped out with the ice patch came over to see if we could find the problem. Somehow, a connector on the outside of the pop up, near the roof mind you, was disconnected. Scott was the only one tall enough to reach it which fortunately saved us all from a long night! We finished setting up, ate hotdogs over a fire that would almost refuse to start, and basically headed to bed.

The next day was cool still but now quite as windy. The water was still frozen but we were on a mission. The park rangers had finally brought some rock salt to spread on the roads enough to break the ice. Some of the campers were talking about freezing rain that would be approaching that night. We decided to enjoy the morning before making a hasty decision. Breakfast was cooked by me, a delicious omelette with chocolate milk. Then we headed out. Something unknown about the Vogel is that at the back of the 1 mile lake trail they have a beautiful waterfall. It's a mini version of what you would see at Amicalola but with less people. We hiked down there almost slipping a bit due to the slick path.

After the hike we decided to take a short trip to any sites surrounding Vogel. I did not realize how close Brasstown Bald was! Unfortunately we were unable to enter the area due to the roads being iced over but we all agreed on a spring trip to see the highest point in GA! We went about 16 miles to the next closest park, Unicoi (to be told in next posting). After our excursion around the mountains we returned just after 5pm and unanimously decided to stay an extra night regardless of the rain that may lay ahead. The majority of the RVs and campers left leaving only 7 sites occupied.

Afterward we got back to Vogel we headed to straight to the Visitors center. Scott, Carlos, and I purchased matching sweat pants, Scott bought some gloves, and I bought some warm wool socks.

The third day was spent just relaxing around the site. It actually did not rain that night as everyone had predicted. Scott and I ended up knitting and crocheting while Kim and Carlos went on another hike. We had a nice bon fire that night pretty much using the remaining fire wood and just hanging out. Scott and I made some mini pizzas in the dutch oven and had an amazing apple cobbler to end the trip. He bought one of the flame color changing packets and we tried it in our fire. It was supposed to last a couple hours.. I think it was more like 20 minutes. Regardless the blue, purple, and green flames were pretty awesome.

The water never ended up turning on but we never had any more trouble with the electricity. There were several mishaps that kinda through the trip of guard but I think thats what makes the trips more fun and memorable.

The next day we left around 12 not even realizing it was the last day of the year. It was almost surreal coming back to civilization.. A fact none of us really wanted to face.

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